Hello! A blog about the SCA (now that I am finally getting serious about it) and fiber. I spin, knit, will be better at felting someday and so on. The new passion? Period costuming.
I have a long list of hobbies. Posts on this blog will be of a wide range and mix. Pretty much my trials, tribulations and successes will be posted here as I mosey along the long and winding hobby road of life. I fade sometimes. I am trying to be better about that.
I spin. I own a Kromski Polonaise now. This is a big birthday year for me (2009) and so this year called for gifting myself with my dream spinning wheel. Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
I knit. I am not a great knitter but I keep trying. My first sweater is still in progress. On Ravelry I am SecretSpindle. I dabble in felting as well.
I am in the SCA and my persona is a 1550's Ottoman Turkish woman. Her name is Safiye bint Kara Sun'Allah. I live in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc and the Barony of Thescorre. I am trying to become more involved. This year my daughter joined up with me and is very eager to learn fencing. She got a starter set at Pennsic 38 for her birthday. I love garb creation. She has chosen Italian Ren so that will bring me some costuming challenge. This past year I have worked on making my Turkish garb more accurate. Now time for the detail work. I want to learn the Scribal Arts as well.
Genealogy is a big part of my life. There is a separate blog for that.
Letterboxing. I love to do it but it got lost in the "OMG, I just don't have enough time for all of this!!" shuffle.
Looooky! My secret pal sent an envelope to me and inside is this delicious baby alpaca yarn and I am telling you it is so soft!!! I just may have to sleep with it tonight, hehe. Tootie rolls included, yum!
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